Friday, February 17, 2012

How I got started and what is next...

As i announced on Facebook..I am going Gluten Free..

What happened and why???? the purpose of this to detail my journey, writedown foods i am eating, things i am trying, how this is working ..

Well 3 years ago, i made a list of all of my symptons then and started going to doctors..
after 4 different doctors and no diagnosis..I stopped. I resumed my search 6 months later..more doctors, more test, more money..NO DIAGNOSIS..

So I gave up.. meanwhile, my sister and I have been on the same quest only different ...then we hit on the diagnosis..

 "Gluten ataxia is a rarely diagnosed and frequently overlooked condition* responsible for a set of symptoms usually labeled “sporadic idiopathic ataxia” - meaning that symptoms arise spontaneously and sporadically, and cannot be traced to any definitive cause. This condition usually occurs in adults and seniors and manifests in a variety of neurological symptoms: severe headaches, lack of muscle coordination, drooping eyelids, gait and balance disturbances, drooling, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the extremities, and problems with speech and word-finding. Usually the client is worked up for M.S., Parkinson’s, ALS, and other neurological disorders but is negative. Repeated MRI scans cannot pinpoint the exact cause of these symptoms, which can be severe and debilitating. Once the diagnosis “sporadic idiopathic ataxia” is given, they are offered supportive but not curative treatment. Fortunately, some patients are able to find a neurologist who specializes in difficult diagnoses. Often the diagnosis of gluten ataxia is only made when the patient reveals a past positive test for gluten intolerance, family history of celiac disease, or a history of gastrointestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome or colitis. In the case of gluten ataxia, gluten cannot be properly digested in the body, and certain protein deposits develop in the brain, causing changes that affect the neurological system. Complete avoidance of gluten in addition to supportive physical and cognitive therapies can sometimes reverse many of the patient’s symptoms, but complete recovery is not always possible. "

So I am going Gluten Free..

what does that mean??? Well I thought ( and so did others in my house) that it meant just giving up pasta, bread, cookies, muffins, .things like that..

and it does..but so much more. the beginning is always so hard..but once into the routine it will be better.( I hope) ...I have so many questions.. but before i throw myself at whole foods.. I need to see what i have that is okay..

First off, I started to look at the stuff in my get up routine..

Vitamins- multi - ok, vitamin C- ok. Vitamin D- ok, vitamin E - ok..

Calcium - needs more research maybe suspect.

Toothpast - Crest Pro Health - looked it up and it is ok..
Shampoo,  soap????

On to DAY 1..

Greek yogurt - ok, Rice Krispies- ok
Lunch- salad and veggies - but oh no..SALAD DRESSING..
Dinner - Salad, chicken salad ''oh no - MAYO

thought I was being good but salad dressing and mayo..not GF..
went to Dominicks  and bought GF salad dressing..couldnt find Mayo that was I can add that
to the research list..
Greek Yogurt, Rice krispies
apple and cantoloupe for lunch, salad and tuna without mayo for dinner..
tomorrow i am gonna go though the kitchen cabinets, sort items i can eat, those to be research and those that clearly are not gf..

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