Friday, May 4, 2012


Eric was in last weekend, so to celebrate I baked GF Banana Bread. I used the same recipe as before from Beard on Bread, but made some changes..

That is  -I  used Hodgson Mills Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour, and Blue Diamond Almond Milk Vanilla unsweetened..

Eric said he could taste that it was GF. but it was still good. Also, the bread when it cooled was crumbly. I put the other loaf in the freezer ( the one from last time) now I am wondering if it will be crumbly too.

The unsweetened "milk" was better than the sweet one and adjusted the taste more to my liking.( not as sweet), I needed to add more flour to the batter to adjust and so the bread wouldn't be unbaked and wet in the middle.

Well, tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo. I was in Puebla, Mexico many, many years ago on this date and saw the parade.. anyway, I search the Internet for some recipes to make a Gluten Free treat..
I decided against making my own tortillas..( way to complicated for me)

 I did have a taste for enchiladas..or flautes..or nachos..

I found several recipes and bought some corn tortillas.

Gluten Freely had a nachos recipe. Scott wanted me to do this one since it didn't use the oven. I think I"ll file it away for another day. ( when it is uber hot out)

I found several recipes for enchiladas.

Nicole at Gluten Free on a Shoestring  had a great sounding enchilada sauce.

Gluten Free Goddess had a GF chicken enchilada recipe  as did

So being who I am, I am gonna combine parts of them all and make the enchiladas tomorrow..I may substitute cream cheese ( which I have) for sour cream ( which i don't have) but it probably alter the taste to much..  decisions, decisions..

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