Tuesday, March 6, 2012

All about Food I can eat!!!

I wasn't really convinced that I should go Gluten Free, in the back of my head; I just thought that I could do it most of the time, but a cookie now and then wouldn't hurt..BOY was I WRONG!!!

Wait a minute...I think I have been doing stuff and not posting.

So this may be a bit disjointed..so back to the beginning..well almost..

I ate salads the first week.not sure what to do, found out that the salad dressing wasn't GF.So I had to go to the store and find a GF dressing.It is a good thing I live near a Dominick’s.
While I was there, saw GF Rice Krispies and GF Rice Chex. So I was set for breakfast too. 

After that, I got more adventurous.I found a blog/website where Stephanie O'Dea was GF and had 365 days of GF recipes in the crock pot...well that stuck my fancy. 

I made Chicken Adobo. I had to substitute some things as I didn't have them. Thought I did found out that no I didn't.  For example, the recipe called for White vinegar. Ok, I looked in the spice turnaround thing and sure enough, I had some vinegar. Well, I go to use it, and found out that it was way old and didn't have a real top but a plastic bag on top of it. So in the garbage it went. I had to improvise, I found some balsamic vinegar in the frig.. well it said vinegar.. so I used it!

The Chicken Adobo was really good..The website for all her recipes are at  http://crockpot365.blogspot.com.

 So I was on a roll, printed off a few more recipes and started planning..

A few days later, I made Chicken Pad Thai... very tasty. Scott was apprehensive, I pointed out to him, that if he didn’t like it, that there were other things he could have...and just taste it... well 3 bowls later, he declared it good..

 Next was fish, it was YUMMY!! I made it in the crock pot, according to my new friend Stephanie directions. I put spinach, salt, pepper, lemons and fish in the crock pot for 2 hours.YUM!

 After that, I decided to try to go out to dinner. I have an app called Find me GF.So I reviewed the BIG list of places. On the list with GF menus are some of my very favorites - Weber grill and Wildfire.

When Geoff came home last week, we went to Wildfire. I told the waiter that I was GF and he produced the GF menu. He told me about the kitchen and how things are prepared GF... A very nice experience.

He said that things take a bit longer on the GF menu, so he brought all the items at once only a bit later..

First up the three of us split a wildfire salad and the boys ate 3 leaves of bread. Me- I just smiled- but then the waiter brought me bread.. Oh wow!! They made me warm, delicious, GF bread. I just stared at it, if I had my camera, I would have taken a picture. It was beautiful and then I ate some and it was so good.

 I had cedar plank salmon for the main course. It was wonderful and some roasted veggies.
Great experience.. Definitely a keeper..

 I was so excited from this great experience, that I was on a roll (so to speak) even found lots of places in Cedar Rapids, IA when I drove Geoff back on Sunday.

I emailed and recieved a response from DCL,  WDW and DL..so I have a list of the places and foods I can eat in the parks and on the ships. And most important of all, I founf out that Dole Whips are ok!

Now on the soap, shampoo and other things ..even more cooking!
I have a GF recipe for slow cooker honey sesame chicken, so that is next on the agenda.
I also have some bananas, I used to make banana bread. I am not sure what I do now???

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