Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cat doesn't like certain fish!!

Yep, the cat is definitely finicky.Spoiled cat! She has had Tuna and Salmon. Ate it all up, raw and cooked.
 On Friday, I decided to try more fish. I was at Costco and the Cod looked good, so I bought some. Got home and the cat was all over the package. She has dancing and jumping and pawing at the package of fish. She even wanted to lick the bag.
So I took one piece for me/her and froze the rest for another day. I gave her a raw little piece and she ate it. Gave her another piece and she looked at me like I was crazy.  As if she said " you want me to eat that?"

She left it on the floor and walked away with a tail flip. OK, so she didn't like it at least she didn't bury it. Other times,she has buried the food. You know , when a cat paws at the ground as if she is covering the offending thing with dirt. Then she looks at you with disdain and flips her tail and walks away.
Anyway, I had the cod for dinner. She was dancing and begging for the fish but when she got a piece she sniffed it and continued her dancing.  HMMM. I didn't know what to make of that.

I made the sauce for the fish by using another website.and found a gluten free Tilapia recipe.
But not having Tilapia but cod, I used the sauce and put the COD in the microwave. i mixed the sauce stuff in a bowl, then added it to the cooked fish.

And of course I didn't have all the stuff, is this a trend??

 I used Mozzarella  cheese, not Parmesan ( 1/2 C)
Hellman's Mayo ( 3 TBS)
1/4 cups of butter ( melted)
Plus some banana, pineapple/OJ juice ( Dole) to fill the bottom of the pan when Microwave it.

Cooked fish in the microwave, 3 minutes.
Mixed the mayo/cheese/butter together. Covered the fish with the sauce and microwaved 2 more minutes.

It was good!!  Since it was only me, I had some leftovers. I planned to eat it in a salad for lunch .

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